
Heavily overweight, or obese, persons are often looked down upon in our societies. The usual advice of a strict diet requires a lot of discipline, and all too often weight that is lost through following a diet is regained quickly when life circumstances change. So, in an attempt to avoid their marginalization and to boost their self-esteem people try to define overweight differently. They don’t relate it to the person’s length anymore but to a status of well-being one might perceive regardless of his own weight. As good as the intention behind this approach is, it neglects the fact that obesity will sooner or later cause a person severe health problems no matter whether or not that someone is at peace with his weight. Maybe a look at the root causes of obesity can shine some light into this dilemma?

The majority of people have had early childhood experiences of rejection in their lives. Some faced more drastic cases of rejection while others’ encounters with rejection were not so severe. But often these experienced rejections were considerable enough to define or change someone’s behavioral patterns. One response to rejection is to try to compensate for the lack of acceptance from significant others by seeking comfort in food. Other responses are bulimia, anxieties, etc. Individuals react differently to the rejection they have received. But the treatment for getting rid of the damage that was caused is the same: Forgiving the ones who rejected you and therefore breaking the power of this rejection over your life. Sometimes this includes forgiving yourself. The result is a change from the inside which will fight obesity much more effectively than any outward treatment can do.