
Recently I went to a restaurant with my wife for dinner. Suddenly we heard shooting on the street. I could see two men with their Kalashnikovs standing in the middle of the street who were part of this shoot out with law enforcement.

Later I learned the story of what led to this shooting - it was basically about nothing. But these men put not only others in danger, but they also put their own lives on the line by standing on the street exchanging gun shots. What made them do this, when there was really no good reason to fight? It seems that many young people are willing to practically throw their lives away only to be the center of attention, to stand out from the masses for one short moment. Everyone who engages in such dangerous behavior - whether it's shoot outs or dangerous car races on public streets - doesn't value his own life much in first place. I don't think that people who see meaning in their life and who feel needed would put themselves (and others) in such danger. But when you don't care much about your own life, you won't care about the lives of others either.

This odd cry for attention reveals a void that many people have in their lives. A void that cannot be filled by any kind of entertainment but only through a relationship with our Creator, who can satisfy the deepest longings of our soul.