
Scientists have found a fossil of an extinct snake with four legs. Other snake fossils show stunted hind legs and even some current snakes have a pair of vestigial legs. Evolutionists consider this leg residuals as proof that snakes developed from lizards.

Genesis 3:14 provides a different explanation: In this story surrounding the fall of man the devil was speaking through a snake and causing Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit. Then God cursed the snake for tempting Adam and Eve: "You will crawl on your belly ... all the days of your life." Since all modern snakes crawl on their belly, one has to conclude from this statement that snakes did not do so before this curse, before the fall of man. When they did not crawl on their belly, they must have been able to walk on legs. But God ended the ability of snakes to walk and reduced them to crawling on their bellies by His word alone. And this is exactly what the above-mentioned fossil finds and the vestigial legs in modern snakes are telling us.

So, instead of proof for the theory of evolution, we see a stunning confirmation for the truth of God's word!