Burn the Ships

"Burn the Ships" is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman which tells the story of the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez who - in 1519 - scuttled his own ships off the coast of Veracruz (Mexico) in order to prevent his men from retreating. He was on an expedition to explore the interior of Mexico with his soldiers. By sinking his own ships he forced his soldiers, who were most likely facing many hardships and might have been tempted to mutiny and sail back home, to stay and commit themselves to their life in the New World.

This story serves as an illustration of how every believer in his journey of faith should "burn his ships" that might tempt him to go back to his old life. God often uses difficult circumstances in our lives in order to grow our faith and trust in Him. Looking for an easy way out of these difficulties can be tempting, but in the end we would lack the fulfillment that comes into our lives when we learn more and more to walk with God and let Him transform us into His likeness. Identifying the "ships" that might bring us back to a lifestyle without God and destroying them is, therefore, essential. Jesus put it this way: "No man, having put his hands to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:62)