Non, je ne regrette rien

"Non, je ne regrette rien" (No, I Don't Regret Anything) is a song that was performed by the French chanson singer Edith Piaf. Contemplating the title, I wonder if I would make the same statement. Looking back at my life I see many mistakes, things that I would do differently now if I had the chance. Of course, some of these mistakes can be considered as part of the process of becoming mature. It is part of growing up that we learn from our mistakes. It is also good not to dwell constantly on the faults of the past but to move on in life, looking forward, not backward.

Nevertheless, the wrongs of my past, especially my sins, are something I do regret. And there is a specific way to deal with it: repentance: Asking God and maybe others for forgiveness, and forgiving yourself as well. In this way I can deal with my past properly, not carrying a lot of spiritual garbage with me, and then move on. Not dealing with the wrongs of the past, but just pretending everything was okay, is a stubborn attitude based on pride. There is no man on earth without sin and, thus, without something to regret in his life.