
Arthur Burk hated his work as a plumber in his early years. But he realized that God had put him in that position in order to prepare him for his future ministry even though it wasn't his ultimate calling or design. I can relate to this. So, I describe a situation where I am doing something for God's greater plan without finding much personal fulfillment in it as "plumbing." Some people resist such an idea and insist one should only do what he loves to do. In spite of the fact that I do believe God has designed each one of us for a unique ministry, I also believe that it is God's timing which leads us into such a calling. In the end it's about building His kingdom, not ours. And participating in His work gives meaning to our lives, much more so than just building our own agenda.

Psalm 84:10 describes this concept from another angle: "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."