The Spirit of Baal

Jerry Seinfeld remarked in an interview that up until the 1970's, people would aim for "who has the coolest job" (in an imaginary job comparison). But since then it's only been about money: He is the best who earns the most, no matter how interesting or fulfilling his job really is. Seinfeld noticed this shift in attitude in American society and wondered why it happened. 

According to Jonathan Cahn (in his book "The Return of the Gods") America departed from God in the late twentieth century and turned to the god of money. No one can live without having a god in his life. The thing that is most important in one's life becomes the new god. So, America exchanged the Almighty God with what became most important in their lives instead - the drive for money and financial gain. In this case the new god is an old one as well: the ancient Middle Eastern god Baal. Baal was the god of fertility, and therefore, nowadays represents profit, financial gain. Jesus Himself said, "You cannot serve both God and money." (Matthew 6:24) As it was impossible for God's people back then to follow God and Baal at the same time, so today everyone has to decide as well whom to follow: God or money.

By making financial gain their first priority, America came under the spirit of Baal. This led to the change of attitude that Seinfeld observed in American society that is predominant until today.